Monday, May 17, 2010

Access control system

Access control system is now widely accepted worldwide as the only available means of verification / authentication of individual identity - whether it is fingerprints, hand geometry, facial / iris / or voice recognition.

Finger prints

Fingerprints, hand geometry is also well established in the arena of Access Control and Time and Attendance, you can easily secure an acceptable means of control or identification and the subsequent generation of data for further processing and reporting.

Face and Iris recognition technology is now deeply involved in the serious business to identify terrorists and outlaws, to assist them in nabbing spotted when the system is being put in place at airports and other points of entry and exit of the country's borders. Of course, there is no doubt the high rate of fingerprint identification is made using fingerprint-based systems, and convicted criminals. Voice technology is limited, but purposefully, for now, and is under development, it will be freely available.

Biometric technologies

These biometric technologies, which makes it difficult to falsify, or people assume other people's identities, forbidden areas, give or 'friendly / proxy punch' of a work colleague.

Huge opening opportunities for implementing financial transactions over the Internet, business, or simple tasks of LAN / WAN / / intranet.

All these positive authentication of the people in addition, the biometric data confirm PKI certification. ATMs to withdraw cash using a small low-cost device may be attached to the fingerprint PIN that is redundant, since the insurance will help reduce costs. Safe deposit vaults of biometric devices can be made safer.


Medical insurance and social welfare systems are prone to fraud. Biometrics can save the state millions of companies and a simple software application.


Access control systems alone will not meet today's security requirements. There is a need for a comprehensive solution that includes the employee / visitor ID, using CCTV surveillance systems, equipment, perimeter fencing using a strong electric current that works on the principals of the Deter - to detect, deny and delay access.

All of these technologies to assemble the appropriate software to meet today's needs

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